Shudder, AMC Network’s premium streaming service for horror, thriller, and the supernatural, has acquired psychological horror Spoonful of Sugar, ahead of its world premiere at Fantastic Fest later this week. The film will be available exclusively on Shudder in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand in 2023.

The second feature from director Mercedes Bryce Morgan (Fixation), Spoonful of Sugar is written by Leah Saint Marie (Price of Honor) and stars Morgan Saylor (Blow the Man DownHomeland), Kat Foster (Gaslit, Jean Claude Van Johnson), Myko Olivier (United States of AlMenendez: Blood Brothers), Danilo Crovetti and David Yow (I Don’t Feel at Home in this World AnymoreUnder the Silver Lake).  The film is produced by Vanishing Angle’s (Werewolves WithinThunder Road) Matt Miller and Natalie Metzger along with Katrina Kudlick (FixationLadyworld).

“With Spoonful of Sugar, Mercedes Bryce Morgan delivers an incisive psychological horror laced with nightmarish visions of hallucinogenic beauty. We can’t wait for Shudder members to take the trip,” said Craig Engler, General Manager, Shudder.

Added director Mercedes Bryce Morgan, “AMC Networks’ Shudder is the perfect partner for this movie, and we’re so honored to be able to showcase such a unique story. I can’t wait for audiences everywhere to dive into the trippy psyches of our characters.”

In Spoonful of Sugar, a disturbed babysitter experiences a sexual awakening while using LSD to alternatively treat a seemingly “sick” child from a family with dark secrets of their own.

The deal was negotiated by Vanishing Angle on behalf of the filmmakers, and Emily Gotto, VP, Global Acquisitions & Co-Productions on behalf of Shudder.