HAIM, the renowned band of sisters Alana, Danielle, and Este, has announced a 10th-anniversary edition of their debut album, “Days Are Gone.” The reissue is set to be released on September 29th, amidst a series of celebratory events. These include anniversary headline shows in Los Angeles, supporting slots on Taylor Swift’s Eras tour, a track on the forthcoming soundtrack to Barbie, and a major headline UK date at London’s All Point’s East festival on August 28th.

Despite being their debut, “Days Are Gone” has become a classic, and its reissue will be available in various formats. This includes green transparent vinyl, with one LP featuring the original track list and a second one with bonus tracks and remixes. Fans can pre-order the album now.

In addition to the album’s release, HAIM will perform at The Bellwether in Los Angeles on July 17 and 18. A special show on July 19 will see the band perform the full “Days Are Gone” album to commemorate the anniversary. Buzzy Lee will be the direct support for all three shows.

Since the release of “Days Are Gone,” HAIM has become one of the world’s most popular and beloved bands. They have released two more albums, 2017’s “Something To Tell You” and 2020’s Grammy-nominated “Women In Music Pt. III,” which won them a BRIT Award in 2021.

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