In the heart of Japan’s tumultuous era of 1579, “Assassin’s Creed Shadows” unfolds an intense narrative of conflict and transformation. As Oda Nobunaga drives the country toward brutal unification, two extraordinary protagonists emerge against a backdrop of political intrigue and cultural upheaval.
The game introduces players to a compelling dual narrative:
- A young shinobi seeking vengeance after the devastating invasion of Iga province
- A legendary samurai confronting his own haunting past
Gameplay and Pre-Order Incentives
Expansive Content Offerings
- Bonus mission included with pre-order
- Claws of Awaji expansion
- Over 10 hours of additional content
- New region to explore
- Unique weapon types and skills
Historical Context
Set during a pivotal moment in Japanese history, the game explores themes of:
- Political transformation
- Cultural resistance
- Personal redemption
- The clash between traditional and foreign influences
A New Assassin’s Creed Experience
“Assassin’s Creed Shadows” promises to deliver an immersive journey through a meticulously crafted historical landscape, where justice is forged in the shadows and personal quests intersect with larger historical movements.
Pre-order now and prepare to write your legend in feudal Japan.