The film follows David (Allen Leech), who, while traveling through the Colorado Rockies, finds himself in a perilous situation after stopping at a diner and intervening to protect a young waitress from her abusive ex-husband. As he resumes his journey amidst a treacherous blizzard, a single misstep leads him into a ravine, leaving him stranded in the heart of the storm with dwindling resources. With both the freezing cold and an unknown predator lurking outside, David faces a harrowing battle for survival.

Directed and written by Sébastien Drouin, known for his works including “Pièces détachées” and “La place du mort,” and featuring a talented ensemble cast including Allen Leech (“The Imitation Game,” “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “Downton Abbey”), Nina Bergman (“Hell Hath No Fury,” “Doom: Annihilation”), Yan Tual (“Outlander,” “Nasdrovia”), Riley Banzer (“Hello Au Revoir,” “#Sti”), James Barton-Steel (“Knuckledust,” “Sparrow’s Call”), Sydney Hendricks (“The Podcast Murders,” “The Tree”), William Kuklis (“Conquest,” “The Way to the Heart”), Kat Fullerton (“Scared Stiff,” “Dead to Me”), and Gil Botelho (“Hello Destroyer”).

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