Miranda Winters, known from the Chicago band Melkbelly, announced her debut solo album as Mandy, titled “Lawn Girl,” set to release on April 26, 2024, through Exploding In Sound Records. Alongside this announcement, she released the lead single “High School Boyfriend” with an accompanying video directed by Liam Winters and cinematography by Marty Schousboe. The track, described as a revenge fantasy anthem for teenage girls, encapsulates a blend of raw energy and earnestness within its short duration.

“Lawn Girl,” available for pre-order, signifies a significant moment for Winters, who has been quietly crafting music solo for 15 years. This album represents a blend of her older and newer works, showcasing a release of pent-up energy and a personal renaissance. Winters took a unique approach to the album’s production, incorporating a mix of self-recording and studio re-recording with Taylor Hales at Electrical Audio, likening the process to photocopying to embrace the theme of decay and reconstruction.

The album features an all-women band, highlighting themes of femininity, motherhood, and the dynamics of creating art in female-centric spaces. Described by Winters as “dirty-bubblegum pop rock,” “Lawn Girl” oscillates between energetic pop rock and introspective moments, drawing influences from Veruca Salt, Sonic Youth, and Liz Phair, while also nodding to the nuanced styles of Connie Converse and Elliott Smith.

Equally adept when recalling teen love as it is about reflecting on the relentless complexities of adulthood, Lawn Girl feels like both a beginning and an end: a line in the sand moment for a songwriter who has never stopped questioning where they are and how they got here. “When I think of these songs all together, I see the color green,” Winters says. “I’m seeing green for the very clichéd reason that the record feels like a rebirth, or a turning point, or a transition into a new phase of life. Some of this material has been floating around with me for a while, and I feel that by packaging it all up, I can say goodbye and move forward.”

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