Schande, a UK-based noise rock band, is set to release their debut LP, Once Around, on September 27 through The Daydream Library Series, the record label run by Thurston and Eva Moore under the Ecstatic Peace Library. Fronted by Jen Chochinov, a member of the Thurston Moore Guitar Ensemble, the band has recently unveiled their latest single, “Palimpsest,” offering a glimpse of what’s to come on the album.

“Palimpsest” is a high-energy track that pays homage to Siouxsie & the Banshees’ Kaleidoscope. The song is driven by thrashing guitars that seem to teeter on the edge of chaos, all anchored by Gio Villaraut’s commanding basslines and Ryan Grieve’s relentless drumming. Above it all, Chochinov’s vocals soar, adding a layer of haunting beauty to the intense sonic landscape.

Once Around dives deep into themes of personal existence and subjectivity, drawing inspiration from the writings of Hannah Arendt and Adriana Cavarero. According to Chochinov, the album is a series of “contemplations on the ways in which we do and do not disclose ourselves to each other, our responsibilities towards ourselves and others, and the ways we do or do not acknowledge the experiences of others.” Reflecting this introspective theme, the album’s creation was a collaborative effort, with Chochinov penning lyrics to instrumentals that evolved from the band’s jam sessions and group revisions. This collaborative process mirrors the band members’ personal journeys, all of whom are expats — Chochinov from the US, Grieve from Canada, and Villaraut from Italy — finding their way and redefining themselves in their adopted home of the UK.

“Palimpsest” follows earlier releases like “We’re Not Twins,” “Relevant Campaigns,” and “52 hz,” all of which showcase Schande’s distinctive sound, shaped by Chochinov’s time with the Thurston Moore Guitar Ensemble. During her time with the group, Chochinov began experimenting with alternative tunings, some of which she learned from Thurston Moore himself. This experimentation opened up new avenues for songwriting, allowing the band to explore and push their creative boundaries. As Chochinov describes it, “It was like being given free reign in a science lab where nothing was off limits. At worst you create an awful sound, and at best, you surprise yourself and land on something exciting.”

Chochinov, originally from California, has been a fixture in the DIY music scene since the early 1990s, crafting catchy, propulsive rock both as a solo artist and with full bands. Over the years, she’s been involved in various projects, including a split 7” with The Cribs and James Murphy’s pre-LCD Soundsystem group Speedking, and has performed at legendary events like Indie Tracks festival in the UK and the Athens Pop Festival in the US. Since moving to London in 2013, she has continued to perform across the UK and US, both solo and with Schande. Her time with the Thurston Moore Guitar Ensemble saw her touring the UK and Europe alongside notable musicians like James Sedwards, Deb Googe, Steve Shelley, Jem Doulton, and Jonathan Leideker.

The Daydream Library Series, the independent label that will release Once Around, recently celebrated its fifth anniversary. Founded by Thurston and Eva Moore in 2018, the label debuted with the album Sistahs by London’s black feminist punk band Big Joanie and has since released music by artists such as Xopher Davidson, Seafoam Walls, Devon Ross, Katherina Bornefeld, and Las Nubes.