In a time when horror films often feel derivative, ‘Children of the Pines’ promises a fresh, disquieting experience, one that digs its claws into the viewer and doesn’t let go. Freestyle Digital Media, in collaboration with producer Lucas A. Ferrara, has just unveiled the trailer for this award-winning new horror film, set to haunt digital platforms globally starting October 18th.

The narrative follows Riley, a college junior whose winter break takes an unexpected and unnerving turn. Persuaded by her estranged parents, Kathy and John, to visit their remote home, she soon discovers that they have formed a peculiar bond with Gordon, her high school ex-boyfriend. This unsettling reunion, however, is only the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the surface, Riley’s parents are grappling with a more sinister force, as they seek supernatural remedies to heal the deep-seated fractures within their family.

‘Children of the Pines’ is already making waves in the festival circuit, having garnered multiple accolades, including Best Feature at Ice CineFest, Best Thriller at the Indo-French Film Festival, and an Audience Award at the Gasparilla International Film Festival. This film marks the directorial debut of Joshua Morgan, who also penned the screenplay. Morgan’s vision, combined with the haunting and evocative original score by Sune Rose Wagner of The Raveonettes, who previously composed the score for the Oscar-nominated ‘A War’ (2015), creates a palpable tension that lingers long after the credits roll.

With ‘Children of the Pines,’ Morgan doesn’t just aim to scare; he seeks to unearth the buried secrets and emotional wounds that fester in the dark corners of the human psyche. The result is a horror film that not only thrills but also provokes, challenging viewers to confront the hidden horrors within their own lives. As the release date approaches, horror aficionados should brace themselves for a journey into the eerie unknown, where every shadow hides a secret, and every rustling leaf whispers a warning.