Apple Original Films announced that its romantic comedy, “Fly Me to the Moon” from director Greg Berlanti, will make its global streaming debut on Apple TV+ on Friday, December 6. Since its debut in theaters worldwide, the film has received the Verified Hot certification on Rotten Tomatoes by fans. “Fly Me to the Moon” has also been praised by critics for its performances, including stars Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum’s “good old-fashioned, Grade A movie-star chemistry” and “sheer charisma.”

Johansson (who also produces) and Tatum star in “Fly Me to the Moon,” a sharp, stylish romantic comedy set against the high-stakes backdrop of NASA’s historic Apollo 11 moon landing. Sparks fly in all directions as marketing maven Kelly Jones (Johansson), brought in to fix NASA’s public image, wreaks havoc on launch director Cole Davis (Tatum) and his already difficult task. When the White House deems the mission too important to fail, the countdown truly begins …

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