Apple TV+ has officially unveiled the trailer for Disclaimer, an eagerly anticipated psychological thriller, set to debut on October 11, 2024. Created by five-time Academy Award winner Alfonso Cuarón, the series is divided into seven chapters and stars an impressive cast, including Academy Award winners Cate Blanchett and Kevin Kline, along with Academy Award nominee Sacha Baron Cohen.

The gripping storyline follows Catherine Ravenscroft, a renowned journalist played by Blanchett, who built her career exposing the wrongdoings of others. Her life takes a chilling turn when she receives an anonymous novel that horrifyingly casts her as the protagonist, revealing her own darkest secrets. As the mystery unravels, the novel threatens not only her professional reputation but also her family, including her husband Robert (played by Baron Cohen) and her son Nicholas (Kodi Smit-McPhee).

In a desperate race to uncover the identity of the novel’s author, Catherine is forced to confront long-buried truths from her past, which could shatter her life as she knows it. The series’ stellar ensemble cast also features Kevin Kline, Lesley Manville, Louis Partridge, Leila George, and Hoyeon, with Indira Varma lending her voice as the series’ narrator.

Disclaimer will premiere globally on Apple TV+ with its first two episodes on Friday, October 11, followed by new episodes every Friday. With Cuarón at the helm, and a powerhouse cast, the show promises to deliver a thrilling exploration of secrets, betrayal, and the lengths one will go to protect their family.

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