Disney’s live-action reimagining of the studio’s Oscar-winning animated musical classic “The Little Mermaid,” which opened in theaters in May and...
Author - Julie Burke
Apple TV+ is premiering a new comedy series called “Still Up” on September 22! The show stars Antonia Thomas and Craig Roberts as two insomniacs who bond...
Peacock has exciting news for all the Mario fans out there! Starting August 3, they will exclusively stream the star-studded animated film featuring the iconic plumber...
Destiny brings two souls back to each other when Past Lives arrives on Blu-ray + Digital and DVD September 19 from A24 and Lionsgate.
Get ready to soar into the unknown this holiday season as Illumination, the creative minds behind hit comedies like Minions, Despicable Me, Sing, and The Secret Life of...
Apple TV+ has announced that the captivating documentary event, “The Super Models,” will premiere globally on September 20, 2023. Produced by Imagine...
Get ready for a magical musical fantasy as “Wonka,” directed by Paul King, takes you on a journey back in time. Serving as a prequel to the beloved 1971 film...
The delightful comedy, Asteroid City, continues its theatrical journey. The film, starring Jason Schwartzman (known for The French Dispatch, The Grand Budapest Hotel)...
Disney’s “Haunted Mansion” is set to hit the screens in 2023, and the anticipation is already building. The film, inspired by the classic theme park...
Prepare to be whisked away on an extraordinary cosmic adventure! In Disney and Pixar’s captivating new film “Elio,” a universe full of wonders beckons...