Apple TV+ unveiled the trailer for season four of its heartwarming, critically acclaimed comedy series “Trying,” starring BAFTA Award nominee Esther Smith and SAG Award...
Author - Julie Burke
The search for the new Dragon Warrior is on! Po learns he must face his biggest villain yet and embarks on a hilarious mission with his new team of misfits in Kung Fu...
Richard is back and flying high in A Stork’s Journey 2, the hilarious, all-new sequel to the original hit family film coming to On Demand and Digital June 18 from...
“Star Wars: Tales of the Empire” is a six-episode journey into the fearsome Galactic Empire through the eyes of two warriors on divergent paths, set during different...
Lee, the directorial feature from award-winning Cinematographer Ellen Kuras, portrays a pivotal decade in the life of American war correspondent and photographer, Lee...
Photographic Justice: The Corky Lee Story will open theatrically in Los Angeles (Laemmle Glendale) on April 26, with a regional expansion to follow, and have a...
Oscilloscope Laboratories has acquired North American rights to Chris Wilcha’s latest documentary, FLIPSIDE. The film, executive produced by Judd Apatow premiered at...
Disneynature’s latest offering, “Tiger,” is set to premiere on Disney+ this Earth Day, April 22, 2024, marking the 15th anniversary since the label’s...
Disney’s “Young Woman and the Sea,” the extraordinary true story of Trudy Ederle, the first woman to successfully swim the English Channel, is coming to theaters...
Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake and Camila Cabello team up for Trolls Band Together