Skybound Entertainment, renowned for its creator-centric approach and multiplatform entertainment endeavors, including blockbuster franchises such as The Walking Dead and the critically acclaimed animated series Invincible, has forged a groundbreaking collaboration with tech innovator Those Beyond. Together, they are pioneering an immersive avenue for fan engagement through a trilogy of enigmatic puzzles titled The Walking Dead: Solve to Survive, based on Robert Kirkman’s iconic intellectual property. This exclusive initiative is designed for Skybound Insiders, the company’s dedicated fan loyalty program.

The partnership marks the debut of a global franchise on Those Beyond’s social gaming platform, introducing fans to a novel concept of ‘Mass Community Play’. This innovative approach fosters connectivity among enthusiasts through role-playing, interactive chat features, and collaborative puzzle-solving activities. The inaugural game is scheduled for a late May release on Skybound Insiders, with subsequent installments slated for June and July, culminating in special activations at Comic-Con International: San Diego (SDCC). Over the course of three months, participants stand to win exclusive The Walking Dead prizes, limited edition merchandise, and accrue Skybound Insiders points.

Skybound’s commitment to fostering community engagement spans a proud history of interaction with its nearly 100 million-strong fan base. This dedication is evident through the company’s presence at globally renowned conventions such as SDCC, New York Comic Con, PAX East, Gen Con, and more. Complementing these efforts is the newly introduced Insiders loyalty and engagement program, a tiered system designed to enrich fandom experiences. Membership in the program is free, and rewards are earned based on user engagement, including interactions with trailers, articles, comic book previews, and other exclusive media. As users engage more actively with Skybound content, they accumulate points, unlocking access to an array of perks, exclusive events, and opportunities to connect with beloved creators.

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