Apple has introduced its first German-language series, Where’s Wanda?, a dark comedy that dives into the chaotic lives of Dedo and Carlotta Klatt. The couple is in a desperate search for their 17-year-old daughter, Wanda, who mysteriously vanished without a trace months ago. After the police fail to make any progress in locating her, the Klatts decide to take the investigation into their own hands.

With the help of their tech-savvy son, Ole, the family begins to use surveillance equipment to track down leads. Disguising themselves as employees of an electrical company, they bug their entire neighborhood, eventually expanding their efforts to cover half the suburb. As they dig deeper, Dedo and Carlotta uncover shocking secrets about their neighbors, realizing that no one is quite who they appear to be behind closed doors.

Blending elements of mystery and comedy, Where’s Wanda? offers a fresh and intriguing look into the lengths people will go for their loved ones and the surprising truths that emerge when secrets are exposed.

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