This Chinese animated epic fantasy is based on the true story of King Gesar, born to a divine lineage and destined to become a great hero and ruler. As a young man, the...
Author - William Dale
Lionsgate Home Entertainment is gearing up for the Blu-ray release of the hilarious comedy “About My Father” (2023), directed by Laura Terruso and featuring...
4K Blu-ray and Blu-ray James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023), starring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Karen Gillan, and Pom Klementieff will be...
Renowned actor and producer Gerard Butler, known for his roles in the Has Fallen Trilogy and Plane, delivers a powerhouse performance as the fearless undercover agent...
Get ready for the ultimate action-packed experience as the iconic mercenaries make their triumphant return in exclusive SteelBooks® in stunning 4K Ultra HD™ (+ Blu-ray™...
TMNT: Mutant Mayhem Design Featurette gives us a peek into the creative process behind a Ninja Turtles movie. Seth Rogan and the team behind the movie really wanted to...
Jaime Reyes suddenly finds himself in possession of an ancient relic of alien biotechnology called the Scarab. When the Scarab chooses Jaime to be its symbiotic host...
Prepare for an epic adventure as “Ahsoka,” an upcoming American limited series, transports you deeper into the Star Wars universe. Developed by Jon Favreau...
Get ready to roll out when the adrenaline-fueled adventure Transformers: Rise of the Beasts becomes available to buy or rent on Digital from Paramount Home Entertainment...
Irish actor Cillian Murphy, known for his intense performances and striking blue eyes, has once again teamed up with acclaimed director Christopher Nolan for the epic...