An enigmatic force of the underground music scene, Jazmin Bean mesmerizes fans with the music video release of “Shit Show.” Self-directed alongside visionary filmmaker Zak Watson, “Shit Show” brings viewers on a cinematic journey into the surreal world of Jazmin Bean, combining dazzling cityscapes, muted 90s aesthetics, and hauntingly beautiful melodies.

“I always envisioned myself falling in the video since I began to make the song, since it’s about a truly unpleasant human and relationship I wanted to just be as far away from as possible when it was over. I think the falling is a good representation of that,” says Jazmin on the visual direction of the new music video. “I wanted to land on my feet, as a sort of thing, like, you can’t keep me down no matter how low you take me. I also loved the Placebo video where he walks down the building. I wanted to have a twist like that.”

“Shit Show” is one of the standout tracks from Jazmin Bean’s debut album, Traumatic Livelihood, which arrived in February via Interscope / Island.

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