Arctic Lake’s Emma Foster and Paul Holliman return with their latest offering, “Silver Pendant,” an enchanting tribute to romance. Similar to their...
Author - Charlie Brennan
On July 24th, players will be able to dive into this 90s-inspired, 16-bit world with protagonist Catboy and his eccentric but adorable sidekick Weapongirl on PC and Mac...
In The Complex: Expedition, set in the chilling year of 1988, you find yourself embarking on an expedition into the enigmatic Complex alongside your team. However, when...
Excitement fills the air as The Asylum announces its acquisition of worldwide distribution rights for “End Times,” a thrilling post-apocalyptic horror flick...
Prepare for an intense horror/thriller experience as award-winning director Marcel Walz brings “That’s a Wrap” to digital platforms on August 25th...
Gear up for The Blackening, a genre-bending meta-horror film arriving on digital August 15th and on 4K Ultra HD Combo Pack (+Blu-ray & Digital), Blu-ray (+DVD &...
Super Animal Royale has officially crossed a huge milestone of 10 million unique players and is celebrating with its largest seasonal update yet. Season 8 makes a splash...
Starfield, the first new universe from Bethesda Game Studios in over a quarter-century, is the brainchild of the acclaimed creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and...
Capcom is gearing up for the debut of Exoprimal, an online team-based action game, with a special presentation that unveiled new details about the game. The Exoprimal...
Brace yourself for a shiver-inducing roster as we reveal the newest digital additions to the realm of horror. Ranging from spine-tingling suspense to blood-curdling...