Oscilloscope Laboratories has acquired North American rights to Chris Wilcha’s latest documentary, FLIPSIDE. The film, executive produced by Judd Apatow premiered at...
Transformers One is the untold origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron, better known as sworn enemies, but once were friends bonded like brothers who changed the fate...
Join acclaimed director M. Night Shyamalan on an enthralling journey in “Trap”, as a father and his teenage daughter find themselves embroiled in a...
Disney’s “Young Woman and the Sea,” the extraordinary true story of Trudy Ederle, the first woman to successfully swim the English Channel, is coming to theaters...
As the world fell, young Furiosa is snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers and falls into the hands of a great Biker Horde led by the Warlord Dementus. Sweeping...
On the road and on the run, buckle up for a high-stakes joyride! Directed by Academy Award winner Ethan Coen (The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, The Big Lebowski) as his solo...
From DreamWorks Animation comes a new adaptation of a literary sensation, Peter Brown’s beloved, award-winning, #1 New York Times bestseller, The Wild Robot. The epic...
An intimately raw and magical journey through the life, mind, and heart of iconic artist Frida Kahlo, FRIDA is told through her own words for the very first time, drawn...