Jaime Reyes suddenly finds himself in possession of an ancient relic of alien biotechnology called the Scarab. When the Scarab chooses Jaime to be its symbiotic host...
Prepare for an epic adventure as “Ahsoka,” an upcoming American limited series, transports you deeper into the Star Wars universe. Developed by Jon Favreau...
Get ready for a magical musical fantasy as “Wonka,” directed by Paul King, takes you on a journey back in time. Serving as a prequel to the beloved 1971 film...
The delightful comedy, Asteroid City, continues its theatrical journey. The film, starring Jason Schwartzman (known for The French Dispatch, The Grand Budapest Hotel)...
Get ready to roll out when the adrenaline-fueled adventure Transformers: Rise of the Beasts becomes available to buy or rent on Digital from Paramount Home Entertainment...
Irish actor Cillian Murphy, known for his intense performances and striking blue eyes, has once again teamed up with acclaimed director Christopher Nolan for the epic...
Get ready to dive into the action-packed world of TMNT: Mutant Mayhem with this exciting cast featurette. Join the heroes in a half shell as they take you behind the...
Join us for an electrifying interview with director Christopher McQuarrie as he takes us behind the scenes of the highly anticipated film, Mission: Impossible –...