NEON has dropped the trailer for The Monkey, a chilling new adaptation of Stephen King’s short story. Produced by horror maestro James Wan (The Conjuring, Saw) and directed by Osgood Perkins (Longlegs), the film promises to deliver a nightmarish tale of family tragedy and supernatural terror.

The story begins when twin brothers discover a mysterious wind-up monkey that sets off a string of horrific deaths, tearing their family apart. Decades later, the cursed toy resurfaces, reigniting its deadly spree and forcing the now-estranged brothers to confront their haunting past.

With Perkins at the helm, The Monkey looks to channel the unsettling psychological horror he’s known for, while Wan’s production expertise ensures high-stakes tension and scares. Fans of Stephen King’s dark imagination can expect a gripping exploration of grief, guilt, and the sinister power of cursed objects.

The teaser hints at a moody, atmospheric journey with spine-chilling visuals and a suspenseful narrative. It’s the latest in a long line of successful King adaptations, and NEON appears poised to deliver another hit for both horror enthusiasts and general audiences.

Set to release soon, The Monkey promises to be a must-watch for fans of Stephen King and psychological horror alike. Stay tuned as the terror unfolds.

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