In Bagman, the latest dark horror offering to crawl out from the shadows, a family gets sucked into a relentless nightmare, hunted by a creature that’s as old as the fear of the dark itself. For centuries, whispers of the Bagman have echoed through bedtime stories and folklore, a mythical monster that snatches away children with his rotting sack, never to be seen again. Parents, in every corner of the world, have used the Bagman’s chilling tale to keep their kids in line—but what if the legend is real?

Patrick McKee knows the Bagman all too well. As a kid, he barely escaped the beast’s clutches, a traumatic brush with death that’s haunted him for years. His encounter left more than just scars—it left the kind of deep psychological wounds that time can’t heal. Fast forward to today, Patrick’s a grown man, but his past isn’t finished with him. The Bagman has returned, and this time, it’s not just Patrick who’s in danger. His wife Karina and their young son Jake are the new targets of the mythical menace.

The movie isn’t just a simple monster flick—it’s a twisted dive into a man’s worst fears coming back to life. Patrick is faced with a terrifying question: Can you ever truly escape your past, or will it always find a way to drag you back into the darkness?

Bagman taps into those primal childhood fears, bringing to life the thing hiding under the bed, but with a twisted, violent twist.

Starring: Sam Claflin, Antonia Thomas, Sharon D Clarke, Steven Cree, William Hope, Adelle Leonce, Peter McDonald, Henry Pettigrew, Will Davis

Directed By: Colm McCarthy