The process of selecting a new Pope is one of the world’s oldest and most secretive rituals, steeped in tradition and mystery. Conclave takes us inside this sacred...
Author - Julie Burke
From Mighty Mint, Duplass Brothers Productions, and executive producers Bridget Everett, Hannah Bos and Paul Thureen, the series follows Sam (Everett), a true Kansan on...
Set in the 1930s during Oklahoma’s infamous Dust Bowl, Hold Your Breath follows a gripping and eerie tale. Amidst the relentless dust storms that plagued the region, a...
Sir Steve McQueen’s latest film, Blitz, captures the harrowing yet courageous journey of George, a 9-year-old boy in World War II London. Played by newcomer Elliott...
Disney+ is set to debut the highly anticipated documentary Elton John: Never Too Late on Friday, December 13. Directed by R.J. Cutler and David Furnish, the film offers...
Last Days of the Space Age is an exciting dramedy series set against the vibrant backdrop of 1979 Western Australia. Starring Radha Mitchell and Jesse Spencer, the show...
Happy Campers chronicles the final days of a working-class summer colony in a scrappy trailer park that just happens to hold the secret to a rich life. In a waterfront...
In “LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy,” the entire Star Wars Galaxy gets completely mixed up when an ordinary nerf-herder, Sig Greebling (Gaten Matarazzo), unearths a...
Netflix has revealed the teaser trailer and photos for The Diplomat Season 2, which will premiere on the streaming service on October 31, 2024. The teaser gives a first...
Treasure Trackers spins the tale of three middle school outcasts who dive headfirst into their town’s most notorious legend, uncovering a cursed treasure with a...