The second season of “Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures,” Lucasfilm’s original animated series, will debut on Disney+ and Disney Jr. on Wednesday, August 14, with the...
Author - Julie Burke
The Disney+ Original series Percy Jackson and the Olympians made a splash with a star-studded panel at D23 on the Premiere Stage. Moderated by Juju Green, aka Straw Hat...
Get ready to dive back into the high-stakes world of the Roy family as Warner Bros. Discovery Home Entertainment gears up to release “Succession: The Complete...
In an exciting expansion of its Dexter universe, SHOWTIME has announced the return of Michael C. Hall in a new series titled Dexter: Resurrection, alongside the...
Apple TV+ has just dropped the trailer for the highly anticipated second season of “Pachinko,” the award-winning and internationally celebrated drama series...
Her Reign Continues! Judge Judy Sheindlin Brings All New Episodes of Judy Justice to Prime Video and Amazon Freevee on August 5
Jimmy Kimmel Live airs every weeknight at 11:35 p.m. EDT and features a diverse lineup of guests that include celebrities, athletes, musical acts, comedians and human...
The iconic and gripping series returns featuring more unexplained deaths, baffling disappearances, and bizarre paranormal activity. Unsolved Mysteries is from the...
All 8 episodes of the witty drama from Cosmopolitan Pictures will premiere exclusively on Prime Video on August 8
AMC Networks Sets Premiere Date for the Highly-Anticipated Fourth and Final Season of the Award-Winning Drama Series "Snowpiercer"