Formed by a tight knit group of high school friends in Philadelphia, Nothing but a Nightmare are building a loyal following in their hometown and beyond. Their new single, “I Hate You”, from their latest album The Salvation, is an angst-filled pop-punk song that delves into old acquaintances and past experiences gone bad. 

Through local venues, music festivals and a steady stream of new music releases, the band has been building momentum for the better part of 3 years. Their relatable lyrics, high octane live performances, and hook driven harmonies have been making instant connections with new fans and the band have no plans of slowing down. 

“When we perform ‘I Hate You’ live, we make it our last song of our set, so it’s kind of funny,” explains lead singer, Eddie Tamanini. “I thank the crowd for coming and then say “this song is called ‘I Hate You’“. We laugh about it on stage, and then light them up with an uncensored account of some personal experiences. It’s a bit cathartic and we’re happy to share that with our audience”.

NBN has gained over 100k streams from their past albums, Nostalgia and Kleptomania, and have opened for Multi-Platnum artist Andy Grammar. Their latest project, The Salvation, is a sonic progression from their early work, and gives fans a look into the group’s psyche and relationships from the band’s past.

Nothing but a Nightmare are performing regularly around Philly and Pennsylvania and are working on new music for release this year. 

For more on Nothing but a Nightmare, visit: 

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