DreamWorks Animation is bringing Dav Pilkey’s beloved graphic novel character Dog Man to theaters on January 31, 2025. The animated film follows the origin of a unique crime-fighting hero created when a police dog and his human partner are merged through an extraordinary surgical procedure.

Featuring an all-star voice cast including Pete Davidson as Petey the Cat and Isla Fisher as Sarah Hatoff, the movie promises to deliver the same humor and heart that made the book series a global phenomenon. The story follows Dog Man’s hilarious adventures battling villains and navigating his complicated relationship with Petey the Cat.

Based on a book series that has sold over 60 million copies worldwide, the film aims to capture the imagination of children and adults alike with its blend of comedy, creativity, and heroic storytelling. Directed by Peter Hastings, “Dog Man” is set to be a must-see animated adventure for fans of the graphic novel series.

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