In this high-stakes suspense thriller, Academy Award® nominee Mark Wahlberg (Actor in a Supporting Role, 2006 – The Departed) plays a pilot transporting an Air Marshal...
Author - William Dale
From Creator/Showrunner/Executive Producer Jeb Stuart (The Fugitive, Die Hard), Warner Bros. Discovery Home Entertainment brings you the next chapter in the Vikings...
Ride The Wave of Killer Fish Weekend, A Marathon of Aquatic Cult Classics Streaming July 12-14
A Real Pain follows David (Eisenberg) and Benji (Culkin), two mismatched cousins on a trip through Poland to honor their grandmother. What starts as a simple journey...
The HBO Original documentary Stevie Van Zandt: Disciple, directed by Bill Teck, debuts Saturday, June 22 (8:00 p.m.-10:25 p.m. ET/PT) on HBO and will be available to...
Gravitas Ventures, an Anthem Sports & Entertainment Company, will release the multi-award-winning documentary “Don’t Turn Your Back On Friday...
The Alien franchise has been a cornerstone of the sci-fi and horror genres since its inception in 1979. Directed by Ridley Scott, the original Alien movie introduced...
A sweeping family adventure, My Penguin Friend is a triumphant tale of friendship between a lonely father and a little lost penguin who recharges his spirit and heals...
As it continues driving pulse-pounding excitement at the global box office, the adrenaline-fueled, action-packed film, The Fall Guy, arrives exclusively in homes on...
Based on the true story of the first special forces mission in history, The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare arrives on Premium Video on Demand and Premium Electronic...