Produced By DC Studios And Warner Bros. Animation, The Upcoming Series Will Mark The First Title Kicking Off The New DC Universe
The Franchise follows the crew of an unloved franchise movie fighting for their place in a savage and unruly cinematic universe. The comedy series shines a light on the...
A24’s Tuesday (October 11) and MaXXXine (October 18) will debut on HBO and be available to stream exclusively on Max in the U.S. this October. Tuesday tells the story of...
Apple TV+ has officially announced that its hit series Silo will return for a second season on Friday, November 15. This much-anticipated season will see a new face...
From Mighty Mint, Duplass Brothers Productions, and executive producers Bridget Everett, Hannah Bos and Paul Thureen, the series follows Sam (Everett), a true Kansan on...
Set in the 1930s during Oklahoma’s infamous Dust Bowl, Hold Your Breath follows a gripping and eerie tale. Amidst the relentless dust storms that plagued the region, a...
Netflix has revealed today the release date of the highly anticipated second part of The Platform universe, one of the most popular Spanish films in Netflix history...
Disney+ is set to debut the highly anticipated documentary Elton John: Never Too Late on Friday, December 13. Directed by R.J. Cutler and David Furnish, the film offers...