Shudder, the premier streaming service for horror, thriller, and supernatural content, has an electrifying lineup for August 2024, headlined by the highly anticipated...
Author - Charlie Brennan
Superplastic, the animated entertainment company behind synthetic celebrities, has teamed up with Barnyard Games, seasoned game developers with 25 years of success, to...
Experience world bosses, Lord Kazzak and Azuregos, as instanced encounters with up to 40 players.
The first expansion for Diablo IV, Vessel of Hatred, is now up for pre-order on, PlayStation, Xbox Games Stores, and Steam, with a release date set for...
2066: Welcome to DEATHSPRINT 66. It’s fast! It’s electrifying! It’s incredibly gory! And it’s coming later this year from the Bachman Media Network. To ease the wait for...
Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks, the free-to-play multiplayer combat racer, is set to enter Early Access on August 6 for its first season. It´s time to rev your engines...
Sink your teeth into Abigail, the newest vampire romp streaming exclusively on Peacock July 19. From Radio Silence – the directing team of Matt Bettinelli-Olpin...
Players can pre-order this 50th Anniversary Collector's Edition SteelBook now from their favorite online retailers!
Set in 1965 New York City, the film tells the story prior to the legendary horror classic Rosemary’s Baby, exploring what happened in the infamous Bramford building...
Super Evil Megacorp, in partnership with Paramount Game Studios, announces the global release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate on Nintendo Switch. The...