“Secret Invasion” is a newly announced series heading to Disney+ that stars Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury and Ben Mendelsohn as the Skrull Talos—characters...
Author - Julie Burke
A beautifully crafted story of forbidden love and changing social conventions, My Policeman follows three young people – policeman Tom (Harry Styles), teacher...
A couple, Margot (Anya Taylor-Joy) and Tyler (Nicholas Hoult), travel to a coastal island in the Pacific Northwest to eat at an exclusive restaurant, Hawthorn, where the...
It’s been 29 years since someone lit the Black Flame Candle and resurrected thhe 17th-centry Sanderson sisters, and they are looking for revenge. Now, it is up to...
Pinocchio is an upcoming live-action adaptation of the 1940 animated feature of the same name. The film was will premiere exclusively on Disney+ on September 8, 2022. In...
Margot Hayes (Emma Roberts) and Griffin Reed (Thomas Mann) may well be the perfect couple. The only trouble is they’ve never met and they’re both about to tie the knot...
From writer-producer-director Todd Field comes TÁR, starring Cate Blanchett as Lydia Tár, the groundbreaking conductor of a major German Orchestra. We meet Tár at the...
Pinocchio is an upcoming live-action adaptation of the 1940 animated feature of the same name. The film was will premiere exclusively on Disney+ on September 8, 2022...