Welcome to Gotham City, where criminals run rampant and law-abiding citizens live in a constant state of fear. Forged in the fire of tragedy, wealthy socialite Bruce...
All 10 episodes of the animated series from Bruce Timm, J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves will premiere Thursday, August 1, on Prime Video
In an exciting expansion of its Dexter universe, SHOWTIME has announced the return of Michael C. Hall in a new series titled Dexter: Resurrection, alongside the...
Apple TV+ has just dropped the trailer for the highly anticipated second season of “Pachinko,” the award-winning and internationally celebrated drama series...
Directed by award-winning filmmaker Nanette Burstein debuts Sat, August 3 on HBO and Max
Her Reign Continues! Judge Judy Sheindlin Brings All New Episodes of Judy Justice to Prime Video and Amazon Freevee on August 5
Jimmy Kimmel Live airs every weeknight at 11:35 p.m. EDT and features a diverse lineup of guests that include celebrities, athletes, musical acts, comedians and human...
Two of the Universe's Biggest Franchises Collide When Doctor Who and Star Trek Come Together to Celebrate the Inaugural Intergalactic Friendship Day on July 30