Netflix is set to release an inspiring new drama, The Six Triple Eight, on December 20. Starring Kerry Washington as an army captain, the film follows the incredible...
GAME 7 brings the two greatest words in sports to life in a new five-part anthology series. With first-hand accounts from both the winning and losing athletes that...
Paramount+ today announced that the highly anticipated second season of the original drama series Lioness will premiere Sunday, October 27 with two episodes, exclusively...
“Before” is a 10-episode atmospheric, character-driven psychological thriller about Eli, a child psychiatrist who, after recently losing his wife, Lynn, encounters a...
Based on Patrick Radden Keefe’s critically acclaimed book, which was recently recognized as one of the New York Times’ 100 Best Books of the 21st Century...
Apple TV+ has officially unveiled the trailer for Disclaimer, an eagerly anticipated psychological thriller, set to debut on October 11, 2024. Created by five-time...
It’s been over three decades since Bubblegum Crash first exploded onto the anime scene as a follow-up to the iconic Bubblegum Crisis series. Originally released in...
Hulu has just dropped some major news: all eight episodes of Rivals, the highly anticipated series adaptation of Dame Jilly Cooper’s iconic novel, will be hitting the...