Solo developer Walter Woods is pleased to announce that the much anticipated cosmic horror adventure, “Dark and Deep,” is now available on Steam! Following a...
On September 10th, VCI Entertainment is set to release a highly anticipated bundle for horror fans: Dark Night of the Scarecrow and its long-awaited sequel, Dark Night...
Teacup follows a disparate group of people in rural Georgia who must come together in the face of a mysterious threat in order to survive. Inspired by the New York Times...
Gothic horror. Shapeshifting. A sinister castle on the horizon. The Fog has its first-ever Killer, and it just so happens to be Dracula himself.
Into Frame Productions partners Jamie Bailey and Simon Phillips are excited to announce several multi-region partnerships for their upcoming horror film, “The...
Solo developer Walter Woods is thrilled to announce that his highly anticipated game, “Dark and Deep,” will officially launch on August 13, 2024. Following...
Get the thrill of your life as the small-town siege horror, Last Straw, hits select theaters and digital on September 20, 2024 from Shout! Studios. Bringing the night...
Horror Icons Lin Shaye and Bill Moseley Star In Just-Completed Feature
Yellow Veil Pictures announced the international premiere of Elric Kane’s debut solo feature, the obsessive and lust-driven thriller The Dead Thing. The Dead Thing...
Shudder, the premier streaming service for horror, thriller, and supernatural content, has an electrifying lineup for August 2024, headlined by the highly anticipated...