In an intriguing genre-bending move, Beatles drummer Ringo Starr is set to embrace his country roots in a star-studded television special at Nashville’s hallowed...
Shining Glass, the brainchild of Phoenix, AZ-based songwriter Drew Johnson, is gearing up to dazzle the indie music scene with the debut EP, Yellow & Purple, landing...
Coheed and Cambria, by way of vocalist, primary songwriter and lead guitarist Claudio Sanchez, releases Claudio Covers, today. Claudio Covers is composed of eight songs...
Scott Collins is one half of the rock duo The Smoking Flowers (with his wife, Kim) and is also known as the slashing guitarist in soulful garage outfit Justin and The...
The dynamic duo of hip-hop royalty, Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre, is back—and they’re not just making music; they’re making history. The pair just dropped the Missionary short...
Offset is back with a birthday treat that’s impossible to ignore. The GRAMMY-nominated, multi-platinum phenom just dropped his new single, Swing My Way, via Motown...
Mariah Carey and Vevo debut a new episode of Footnotes, taking viewers behind the scenes of “All I Want for Christmas (Make My Wish Come True Edition)” video...
On January 25 Iggy Pop and earMusic will release Iggy Pop Live at Montreux Jazz Festival 2023, an essential Iggy Pop live album, celebrating a career, a catalog and a...
OneRepublic unveiled Artificial Paradise (Super Deluxe), an expanded edition of their acclaimed album. This new release includes their single “Hurt” with Jelly Roll and...
Multi-platinum singer Queen Naija has released a beautiful new single titled “Straight Outta Heaven,” which is out today. Listen HERE via Capitol Records. The powerful...